Call for Participation in SAH Committees for the 2022–2023 Term

by SAH News | Apr 08, 2022
The Society of Architectural Historians invites its members to apply for service on a variety of committees including awards, fellowships, and other standing or working committees. We seek a breadth of voices, viewpoints, and experience on our committees. This call gives information on how committees are formed, the length of the service commitment, a committee member’s responsibilities, the timeline needed to complete the assigned tasks, and the preferred skills of an applicant. 
The President of the Society reviews all applications, appoints committee members, and selects the committee chair(s).  The President consults with others as needed to ensure the best fit of applicants on each committee. Term lengths vary depending on the committee.
Committee members must be current SAH members for the duration of their committee service. Some committees require certain qualifications as noted below. All committee members must adhere to the SAH Process for Committee Review of SAH Fellowships, Awards and Grants.
Self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and relevant experience and a CV (no more than 2 pages). You may apply for up to three committees but will be asked to serve on only one, if accepted. If you apply to serve on multiple committees, please indicate your preferred committee.

The deadline to submit interest is Sunday, May 8, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. CDT. 

Submit your interest through the online portal. Notices will be sent in early June.



Publications and Video/Film Award Committees

Please visit SAH Awards for details on each award’s area of focus.
Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award Committee: 3 members 
Antoinette Forrester Downing Book Award Committee: 3 members 
SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award Committee: 3 members 
Spiro Kostof Book Award Committee: 3 members
Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Book Award Committee: 3 members
Founders' JSAH Article Award Committee: 3 members
SAH Award for Film and Video Committee: 3 members
Qualifications: Members of publications and film awards committee should have published a peer-reviewed book or article as appropriate and have expertise connected to the nature of each award. These committees will usually be filled by senior scholars in our field. The term is one year, nonrenewable.
Workload: Members will review books, articles or films submitted in a timely fashion. The number of submissions varies per award but can be between 10 to 30 items. (Please note that some publishers only submit electronic versions of books at the present time). Committees will collectively select the award winner after reading each entry and then draft a citation that will be given to the awardee and read at the SAH Awards Ceremony at the annual conference.
• June–July 2022: Books/films submitted for review
• August–December 2022: Committee reviews submissions and deliberates
• December 31, 2022: Award decision made
• January 31, 2023: Award citation due

Fellowship and Dissertation Award Committees 

Please visit Research Fellowships for descriptions of most fellowships. 
Those not found on this page have their own link below. 

Committee members for fellowship and dissertation awards will usually be senior members of the organization, with expertise in guiding advanced work in academia and heritage conservation. Applications may number 10–60 and vary according to award. Committees will usually have 1–4 months to complete their review and report recipients to SAH staff. 

(Please note that timelines may vary slightly from what is indicated below). The term is one-year nonrenewable.
Timeline: 7/31/2022 applications due, 12/1/2022 decision made
SAH Dissertation Research Award Fellowship Committee: 3 members
Timeline: 7/31/2022 applications due, 12/1/2022 decision made
HABS-SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship Committee: 3 members 
Timeline: 12/31/2022 applications due, 1/31/2023 decision made 
Charles E. Peterson Fellowship of the Buildings of the United States and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia Committee: 3 members (1 early-career scholar preferred) 
Timeline: 12/31/2022 applications due, 2/28/2023 decision made 
Timeline: 9/30/2022 applications due, 11/1/2022 decisions made
Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Fellowship Committee: 3 members
Timeline: 9/30/2022 applications dues, 12/1/2022 decisions made
SAH IDEAS Research Fellowship Committee: 3 Members
Timeline: 8/31/2022 applications close, 12/1/2022 decisions made
H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship Committee: 3 Members
Timeline: 8/31/2022 applications close, 12/1/2022 decisions made

Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

Standing committees of the Society are set out in “Article IX – Standing and Ad Hoc Committees” of our bylaws and include: Budget and Audit; Development; Investment; SAH IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability, and Sustainability); and Nominating. 
Other committees may be created as needed; at this moment these Ad Hoc Committees include: Graduate Student Advisory; Heritage Conservation; Membership; and those related to our publications including JSAH Editorial, SAH Archipedia/BUS Editorial, and Digital Publications. 
Unless otherwise indicated, membership on each Standing and Ad Hoc committee is for a two-year term, renewable twice for a total of six years maximum. Some committees do not need members at this time, therefore, they are not included in the call below. Calls for some SAH committees are issued at other times of the year than this call and will be shared with membership as needed.
Budget and Audit Committee: 4 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The SAH Budget and Audit Committee works with SAH staff and leadership to review proposed annual budgets, quarterly budget to actual reports, and draft audit reports. Meetings are bi-monthly with an interim monthly email check on the budget and financial status of the Society. Expertise in understanding budgets and financial statements is preferred for this role.
Development Committee: 4 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The SAH Development Committee strategizes with SAH staff and leadership about how to raise new funding for priorities established by the SAH Board including programs, publications, special initiatives and operations. This committee meets monthly via virtual conferencing. Expertise in fundraising for non-profits or other organizations is valuable for members of this committee. 
Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC): 1 member
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The GSAC plans and runs a broad range of activities for SAH and its graduate student community, including the Graduate Student Lightning Talks at the conference, online workshops, book clubs, discussions, keynote speaker conversations, and other events that focus on the graduate school experience. The GSAC meets monthly. Committee members serve a three-year term. SAH will cover the annual membership dues and conference registration costs of GSAC members.
Heritage Conservation Committee: 2 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: Preserving important structures, landscapes and other aspects of the built environment is a key tenet of the Society of Architectural Historians' mission. As a matter of policy, the Society only becomes involved in preservation issues of national or international significance. The SAH Heritage Conservation Committee meets monthly via virtual conferencing to discuss buildings and landscapes at risk. Expertise and knowledge of the diverse nature of architectural heritage, conservation and/or preservation is essential. Graduate students and emerging professionals are encouraged to apply.
SAH Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability, and Sustainability (SAH IDEAS) Committee: 3 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The IDEAS Committee works with the SAH Board to devise sustainable DEI strategies for SAH and make recommendations for actions to promote meaningful change within the Society. We strongly encourage BIPOC members to apply, as well as members who are from outside the U.S., members who work outside the academy, and members who have contingent employment. The committee meets by video conference monthly. Committee members serve a three-year term.
Investment Committee: 2 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The SAH Investment Committee works with SAH staff, leadership and investment advisors to review SAH Investment Policies and performance of the Society’s investments. Members with experience handling endowments and investments are encouraged to apply. The committee meets quarterly by video conference.
JSAH Editorial Advisory Committee: 2 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The JSAH Editorial Advisory Committee advises the Journal’s editor and assists them in promoting the Journal to potential readers and authors, suggesting peer reviewers to the editor and acting as peer reviewers. Members of the Editorial Advisory Committee shall provide advice to the editor, who maintains final decision-making authority. The Committee will meet at least once a year with the editor and associate editor at the Society’s Annual International Conference and by video conference periodically. Committee members serve a four-year term.
Membership Committee: 4 members 
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications:  The SAH Membership Committee is tasked with strategizing about how to increase membership numbers and revenues, decrease non renewals, and win‐back past members.  The Committee aims to keep members engaged by providing needed services, resources, and programs, including Member Meetups, which help members learn more about SAH resources and build professional networks. The Committee awards about 20 Membership Grants for Emerging Professionals annually.  The Committee meets virtually as many as six times a year. SAH members in all professions and at all levels of experience are welcome.  
Nominating Committee: 4 members
Tasks, Time Commitment and Qualifications: The Nominating Committee is tasked with working year-round to advertise, cultivate, recruit, and encourage nominations to the Society’s Board of Directors. Work will begin immediately for this committee in June 2022 through April 2023. The committee meets regularly as needed to select the new slate of Officers and Board members by December 15th.