SAH Interim Executive Director Named

by SAH News | Aug 31, 2022

Dear SAH Community,

I write to give you an update on the search for the new SAH Executive Director following the decision of our longtime leader Pauline Saliga to step down this year. Over the past several months, we have had opportunities to celebrate Pauline's brilliant leadership of our organization, including announcement of the Pauline Saliga Fund to help us develop SAH’s technological capacity. Pauline had hoped to stay on until the new director was in place; however, due to unexpected health concerns, she has decided to step down as of August 31. We are deeply grateful to Pauline for her extraordinary leadership of SAH and wish her the very best.

I’m pleased to announce that SAH board member James Buckley has agreed to serve as the Interim Executive Director until we have found Pauline’s replacement. Jim has served as Director of the Historic Preservation Program at the University of Oregon over the past several years and has significant prior experience in the management of nonprofit organizations in California. Jim will temporarily step down from the SAH Board while he serves as Interim Executive Director. I would like to thank Jim for giving us the benefit of his experience and helping guide SAH during this transitional period.

The search for the new Executive Director is progressing. Our search consultants, Isaacson Miller, have posted the position profile and are accepting applications for the position at We plan to interview candidates this fall and anticipate that the new Executive Director will start in early 2023. We will send periodic updates as the search proceeds.

Thank you for your support of SAH!

Best wishes,
Patricia Morton
President, Society of Architectural Historians