Call for Nominations: SAH Chapter Liaison

by SAH News | Nov 17, 2023

The Society of Architectural Historians seeks nominations and self-nominations for the SAH Chapter Liaison. This ex-officio position on the SAH Board represents and supports the work of the SAH chapters. In accordance with the SAH Bylaws, the Chapter Liaison is appointed by the SAH President and serves a three-year, renewable term.

To submit a nomination or self-nomination, please complete the SAH Chapter Liaison nomination form. Nominations will be confidentially compiled in the SAH office and shared with the SAH President, Patricia Morton, who will make the appointment in consultation with the SAH Officers.

The nomination form requests the following information:

  • name and email address of the nominator
  • name, affiliation (if applicable), email address and phone number of the candidate
  • nominee's statement of qualifications for this position in a statement of no more than 500 words (see below)
  • nominee's CV
  • confirmation that the nominator has reached out to the nominee to ask if they will serve (if applicable).

The nominee’s statement should address their interest in the position, qualifications, and ideas for future chapter-related offerings as well as potential collaborations with the international SAH. Nominees must be members of the international SAH to hold this position.

SAH is actively working towards creating a more equitable organizational structure, one that is inclusive and whose leadership represents the wide range of perspectives in the field of architectural history at large. To that end, SAH welcomes the nominations and self-nominations of candidates who will add racial and ethnic diversity to SAH leadership; those who are working outside the tenure track, including contingent faculty; and those who are working outside the academy.

The deadline for submitting nominations is December 31, 2023.