Salary Information Now Required for Job Listings in the SAH Career Center

by SAH News | Dec 01, 2021

The Society of Architectural Historians has updated its job posting policy in the SAH Career Center to support pay equity in architectural history and related fields. Effective November 24, 2021, job advertisements posted to the SAH Career Center must include salary information such as compensation, salary range, or minimum salary. Job postings that do not disclose salary information will not be approved. In addition, SAH will only publish paid internships on the SAH website.

Including salary information in job listings is an important part of pay equity. Statistically, women and people of color are less likely to negotiate, putting these individuals at a disadvantage and furthering the wage gap when compensation is not shared up front. Increased salary transparency benefits both job seekers and employers; it lets candidates self-select if they will apply or not based on their financial needs, and it provides employers with a stronger applicant pool that is confident that the compensation will provide them with a sustainable income.

With the unanimous endorsement of the SAH IDEAS Committee, the SAH Executive Committee reviewed and updated the SAH Career Center policy in response to the Labor Equity Campaign organized by heritage resource consultant Sarah Marsom. The decision to require salary information for jobs listed in the SAH Career Center is in alignment with the Society's commitment to equity, which includes reevaluating policies and practices that may perpetuate inequity, particularly racial and gender inequity in this case.

Please note that some of the job listings currently visible in the SAH Career Center do not include salary information due to the fact that these advertisements were purchased prior to the policy change.