Conversation Three-Making Connections: Architectural Studies and Urban and Environmental Studies



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Thursday, March 7, 2024, via Zoom, 11:00-12:30 Central Time

Architectural Studies programs offer undergraduate students the opportunity to build a foundation for a wide range of academic and professional experiences. Establishing connections with cognate fields—whether design fields, technical disciplines, the humanities or the social sciences—can enhance programs but also risk diluting their focus. How can we foster productive connections among related and yet distinct areas of study?   This session of the SAH Architectural Studies Now group will explore examples of successful connections made with Urban and Environmental Studies programs and centers.  We hope this session will generate future discussions about the relationship between Architectural Studies and other cognate fields. A moderated panel of guests from programs who have forged links between disciplines (including dual major programs) will initiate a broader conversation about interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Session organizers:
Louisa Iarocci, University of Washington,
Martha McNamara, Wellesley College,

Pieter Brouke, Middlebury College
Kathryn O’Rourke, Trinity University

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