SAH member meetups are virtual programs intended to help members connect with one another and explore a variety of topics. Meetups are free and open to current members. Past meetups have provided advice on publishing in JSAH, writing for SAH Archipedia, and crafting a strong session proposal. Other meetups have connected members who are emerging scholars, adjunct and contingent faculty, or employed outside of academia.

Have an idea for a Meetup you’d like to see or host?  Email Anne Bird, Director of Membership at

Upcoming Meetups

Funding from The Graham Foundation

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 12-1 p.m.


Are you considering applying for funding from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts?  This Chicago institution fosters the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. The Graham Foundation realizes this vision through making project-based grants to individuals and organizations and producing exhibitions, events, and publications.  SAH members have been among the many project grant awardees, making it a premier resource for the different research projects and activities.

Program Officer James Pike will join us to talk about the Foundation's evaluation process, and what makes a project they are interested in, come to fruition.  

About the presenter:

James Pike has been with the Foundation since 2010 and has served as a Program Officer since 2017, He came to  Chicago to study architecture at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He started his architectural studs in Portland, OR, and has also studied politics and economics, as well as physics. He has broad interests in h arts, culture, and literature, and brings these perspectives to bear in his work at the Graham Foundation.