National Trust for Historic Preservation - Backing Historic Small Restaurants Grant


United States


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The National Trust for Historic Preservation and AmEx announce the fourth installment of the “Backing Historic Small Restaurants” grant program, which helps small restaurant owners make exterior public-facing improvements that will ensure that their establishments’ legacies can continue. The BHSR program is financially supported by American Express, and administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

For the past three years (202120222023), the Backing Historic Small Restaurants program has awarded 25 grants per year of $50,000 each. This year the size of the program has doubled and we will be awarding 50 grants of $50,000 each.

All candidates for the BHSR grants will be identified by public nomination. People can nominate their favorite restaurants that fit the criteria for consideration here. Eligible restaurant owners can use the same link to apply. Formal applications and public nominations will be accepted beginning at 9:00 AM ET on March 11, 2024, through 11:59 PM ET on March 25, 2024.

Check the 2023 grant recipients featured on Good Morning America last year.