Call for applications for one Architectural Histories Junior Fellow

Architectural Histories is pleased to announce an open call for one Junior Fellow, which is intended to be awarded to an advanced master’s or early stage-PhD student who demonstrates a commitment to the journal’s ambition to diversify our content and audience.


United Kingdom

Contact: Samantha L. Martin



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Architectural Histories is pleased to announce an open call for one Junior Fellow, which is intended to be awarded to an advanced master’s or early stage-PhD student who demonstrates a commitment to the journal’s ambition to diversify our content and audience.

The Fellowship will last one calendar year and the prize is worth €2000, to be paid in two instalments at the beginning and ending of the fellowship term.

The Junior Fellow will collaborate with the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant of Architectural Histories, as well as members of the editorial board, in order to gain an understanding of how a field journal operates. This position will provide an overview of editorial processes and opportunities to participate in the development of exciting new initiatives. The Junior Fellow will take direct responsibilities in the implementation of our successful social media strategy.

Key dates:
April 1: Call opens
May 1: Call closes
June 19: Results are announced
July 1: Fellow commences collaboration with the journal

To apply, send the following to Samantha Martin at under the subject “Architectural Histories Junior Fellow application 2024”:

1. CV (two pages maximum)
2. Short statement of 250-300 words focusing on how your previous experience would bring value to the specific Fellowship.

Note: This Fellowship is not work contracts, and does not provide any health, travel, or any other insurance.