Aug 8, 2023
Dan Roche, The Architect's Newspaper
Obituary by Dan Roche, published on The Architect's Newspaper.
Jean-Louis Cohen, New York University Institute of Fine Arts Professor in History of Architecture, passed away suddenly. He was 74 years old.
News of his death was shared online by Isabelle Regnier, a regular contributor to Le Monde about architecture, and other sources. Cohen’s death was also confirmed by the Institute of Fine Arts.
Cohen was born in Paris in 1949. A trained architect and historian, Cohen studied at the École Spéciale d’Architecture, the Unité Pédagogique no. 6, and Architecte DPLG; all in Paris. In 1985, Cohen earned his PhD in art history from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. After a series of appointments in academia and the French government, Cohen left Paris in 1994 to join NYU as Sheldon H. Solow Professor in History of Architecture.
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Jean-Louis Cohen joined SAH in 1986 and was a Supporting Member. He was the plenary speaker at the SAH 2008 Annual Conference in Cincinnati, OH, and led the 2013 SAH Study Day at MoMA. He was awarded two SAH Publication Awards: the Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award in 2013 and the SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award in 2023.
Read more:
Tribute: Jean-Louis Cohen (1949–2023) - Architectural Record
Architecture and Curator Jean-Louis Cohen Passes Away at 74 - ArchDaily